Thursday, January 17, 2013

Allusion Poem(draft)----- curious george

lurking for new opportunities

I hop out with a plan
devising a new idea
thinking of the next step

Entertaining others
putting permanent smiles on faces
an active child, never able to sit still

Even with unpredictable outcomes
I just go with it
Yah, I know I'm small
but I like doing things big

Trying to be helpful
without having a clue.
making mistakes
but still optimistic

My face shows curiosity as I lurk about
some may find it weird
others find it funny

In the end, I'm still the same
unchangeable and different
even with flaws
I'm still me


  1. Your poem is clear that you are alluding to curious george and you describe your similarities well, however, I don't really get the hint of your voice until the end. Overall i think you did a good job. its not over bearing and has a good flow to your content.

  2. your poem is unclear and confusing to what your alluding to ignoring your title it was very hard to make sense. overall i could tell that you were trying to talk about yourself and curious george.

  3. Without your title it is very hard to understand what you are alluding to. You need to discuss more of the actual story of curious george (curious, getting into trouble a lot, but still making people smile). Discuss this in your poem a little clearer so that we understand fully what your alluding to. Because without the title it is just a poem describing you and nothing else. AS(2-)
