Sunday, October 28, 2012

risky business: teen alcohol abuse (draft)

Just about all the teens are drinking nowadays. So it’s probably the cool thing to do. Sure you might consider suicide or even get pregnant but it’s what everyone is doing. That’s what all kids seem to be thinking. They need to understand that alcohol will never fix your problems. Although teens drink alcohol to take away stress, consuming it at a young age will cause extremely poor decision making in life. Teen alcohol prevention is already a well-known topic to most. But what people don’t realize is that the ages of kids drinking alcohol are becoming younger. Roughly 20 percent of the alcohol consumed in the United States is done by young people, usually between ages twelve to twenty. Teen alcohol abuse will only cause you to do a poor job in life. Focusing on an important decision making lifestyle when your young is what prepares you for your future. Drinking alcohol will only corrupt your futures success.
            No one wants stress. Stress is what causes your mind and body to be improper. That’s why some kids have started drinking at a young age. In fact, long-term stress can increase risk for physical disorders such as stroke, gastrointestinal problems, high levels of bad cholesterol, and sleep disturbance. Teenagers, feel that by drinking alcohol, stress will be rid of. With stress, your mind won’t be able to focus, sometimes it changes the way you think for things. Having stress causes mood swings, confusion, poor memory, depression anxiety, and anger. Alcohol may seem to be the solution for most people. But, it shouldn’t be.
            Usually, teenagers think that they gain power and popularity when drinking alcohol. But the kids that drink alcohol are more likely to have early sexual behaviors. Teen drinkers are known to have more sexual intercourses. For example, current teen drinkers are more than twice as likely to have had sexual intercourses within the past three months than kids who don’t. One reason why some kids may drink alcohol at young ages is because of attention. They feel that by drinking various alcohols, it may attract attention of others. That’s why having sex is part of the question for most teen drinkers because drinking attracts the wrong crowd. Also, adolescents who drink are more likely to engage in risky sexual activities, like having sex with strangers, or failing to use any protection.  About 45% of teen pregnancy occurred with an alcoholic consumption beforehand. Most teens are doubtful of alcoholic risks, but it comes to their attention only when they’re victimized.
            Furthermore, teen alcohol use interacts with stress and depression. This will usually lead to suicide. Of all the young people who suffer from depression will eventually attempt suicide at least once. Alcohol use contributes to an estimated 300 teen suicides per year. Every year these numbers are rising due to several advertisements insisting that alcohol makes everything better. But obviously they’re wrong. Alcoholism is a factor in about 30% of all completed suicide. High school students who drink are four times as likely to have attempted suicide, as compared to the nondrinkers. I feel that it’s important that not only parents or peers realize this, but it’s what the drinkers themselves need to realize. If they take their time to solve their problems without any improper things, such as hobbies, they can take their mind off of these unnecessary thoughts.
            Everyday teens are faced with poor life decisions. Consuming you first cup of alcohol is just the beginning. Taking alcohol likely is not the way to go. There’s a reason why there’s an age limit for this type of drinking. When you’re young, you have to make decisions that’ll create a better life for you, not one that you regret. At this young age, alcohol shouldn’t even be in the question. Yes, alcohol can take away your stress in most cases. However, in the end it’s you who’s constantly suffering.